Friday, March 11, 2011


Bullying is a common experience for many students.Bullying can be physical or verbal.Bullying is a problem that affects milliions of students.More than thousands of students wake up afraid to go to school.bullies pick up only the people who are not stonger as they are.people who are bullied  are often  depressed .Bulyling can also lead to the person in the state of fear.bullying can be serious. Bullying someone also takes away that person's life.Bullying often  lead to suicide.Bullying often occurs in school.Cyber bullying is also a part of bullying. Cyber bullying is also a major problem. Cyber bullying is defimed as when interent of text messages are used to send or post text or images intentionally to hurt someone's feeling or to embarrass someone.In the summer of 2008,researches Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin published a book on cyber bullying that summerized the current state of cyber bullying.Their research shows that cyber bullying have been increasing over the last several years.I totally agree with President Obama's speech.We should never make fun of others.

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