Monday, May 16, 2011

Amazing 3D street art


Friday, May 13, 2011

Amazing caves

              Cave of Crystals (Mexico)

 The Cave of Crystal or Naica Mine  of Chihuahua, Mexico, is a working mine that is known for its extraordinary crystals.The cave is 950 feet(290 meters)underground.The cave contains crystal of selenite as large as 4 feet in diameter and 50 feet long.Selenite, the gypsum crystal, named after the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene, due to its soft white light, is said to have many metaphysical and healing benefits. Selenite powder has been used cosmetically for thousands of years to enhance one's natural beauty. It is believed that this crystal assists with mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, and soothes the emotions.

         Majlis al Jinn Cave (Oman)

 Majlus al Jinn Cave is the world's second largest cave chamber.The cave is located in a remote area of the Selma Plateau at 1,380 meters above sea level in the Sultanate of Oman, 100 km south-east from Muscat.To enter the cave, one must initially be lowered down on a free-hanging rappel. There are two drops into the chamber: one of over 150m and the other of almost 120m.

     Waitomo Glowworm Cave (New Zealand)

The Waitomo Glowworm Cave is a cave on North Island of New Zealand. The cave is known for its glowworms.These glowworms spin a nest out of silk on the ceiling of the cave and then hang down.When you enter in this cave ,you will marvel at the amazing  decoration created by mother nature.

           Dongzhong Cave (China)

 The Dongzhong Cave is both a cave and a school.Opened in 1984 in Ziyun County in China's Guizhou Province, this natural, air hangar-sized cave serves as an educational institution for 186 students and their eight teachers. The cave was carved out from wind, water and other natural forces over the course of thousands of years. It now features small buildings, rooms and sport and recreational areas.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

World's Unique Streets and Roads

World's Most Crooked Road

 Lombard Street is the most crooked street in the world.This street is located in San Francisco,California.
Lombard Street reaches from the Presidio to the Embarcadero.It only measures a quarter or a mile long between these points and the speed limit is only five mph and you can only drive one way in the downward direction.

World's Steepest Street 

 The world's steepest street is located in Dunedin.This 350 meters long street begins with a moderate slope and then climbs steeply to reach a maximum slope of 1:2.86 or 19 degrees.The street is so steep that it's surface had to be laid with concrete instead of asphalt otherwise on a warm day the tar would flow down the slope. 

World's Shortest Street

Ebenezer Place in Wick is Caithness, Scotland, is credited as being the world's shortest street in the Guinness Book of Records at 2.06m (6' 9").The owner of the building, a hotel at the time, was instructed to paint a name on the shortest side of the hotel. It was officially declared a street in 1887.

World's Longest Street

 Yonge street is the world's longest street in the world. Yonge street is located in Ontario,Canada.Yonge Street is a major arterial street running between Lake Ontario and Lake Simcoe.This street is1,896 kilometres (1,178 mi) long.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

World's Most Amazing Bridges

Magdeburg Water Bridge (Germany)
Magdeburg Water Bridge is a 918 meter ( 3,011 ft) long water Bridge constructed from 1997 to 2003 at a cost of 500 million Euros. The bridge is the longest navigable aqueduct in the world.The water bridge had been planned since 1919, but construction was postponed during World War 2. The Magdeburg Water Bridge connects the former East and West Germany over the Elbe River.

                          The Fountain Bridge(South Korea)

The Fountain Bridge is located in South Korea,a 10,000-nozzle fountain that runs all the way on both sides. Immediately after being installed, the bridge turned into a major tourist attraction, as the bridge pumps out 190 tons of water per minute using the water from the river below. 

Millau Bridge (France)

One of the world’s tallest vehicular bridges elevated 1,125-ft above the Tarn Valley in southern France is the Millau Bridge. Driving over this bridge has got to be one most thrilling experiences of a lifetime and not a ride for those afraid of heights or bridges.It took three years to build and opened to the public in 2004.

Oliveira Bridge (Brazil)

Oliveira Bridge,the world's first X shaped cable stayed bridge is situated in Brazil.It is 138 metres (450-ft) tall, and connects Marginal Pinheiros to Jornalista Roberto Marinho Avenue.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Alchemist(book review)

This book is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids.Along the way he meets a Gypsy Woman,a man who calls himself king and an alchemist ,all of whom point Santiago in the direction if his quest.No one knows what the treasure us,or if Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way.But what starts out as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a discovery of the treasure found with in.Lush,evocative,and deeply humane,the story of Santiago is an eternal testament to the transforming power of our dreams and the importance of listening to our hearts.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011



 An 9.0 earthquake struck off the coast of Japan on 11 March,2011 causing a major tsunami and serious damage.This is the fifth largest earthquake ever recorded and it is the largest in Japan’s recorded history. More than  5,178 people died and thousands are missing.The tsunami swept away boats,cars,houses and people.The earthquake has caused major damage in broad areas in northern Japan.In a single day, 300,000 citizens were homeless, 15,000 injured and 5,000 lost their lives.There are shortages of food,water and basic supplies.Hospitals and local communities are having shortages of medicines.                                                                     

Radiations from the nuclear power plant  has contaminated the food,milk,water which can cause cancer.The contamination has also spread in Tokyo.The effects of radiation are harmful. The Japanese government instructed the governors of Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi and Gunma Prefectures to restrict shipments of their spinach due to radiation leaks from an earthquake-hit nuclear power plant in Fukushima.The government also instructed Fukushima prefecture to suspend shipments of raw milk produced in the northern Japan prefecture.Japan's nuclear nuclear reaction can also reach and hit airplanes.Because of the radiation the citizens who live near the nuclear sight are told to stay indoors.More than 300 engineers have mobilized to help to slow down the reaction and workers have been spraying water continuously.

Japan is now currently facing shortage of food and medicines.In north more than 1 million households are without electricity.People are surviving with little food and water says the Government.Loads of humanitarian aids were sent to the worst-hit areas but some areas are unreachable.Emergency operation centers were established to help out all affected by the quake and tsunami.Most of the countries are providing aid for the restoration of Japan and they are proving food and medicines for the victims.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fascinating Hot Springs on earth

              The Grand Prismatic Spring

The Grand Prismatic Spring is the America's largest hot spring and third largest in the world.The spring is about 250 by 300 feet in size and 160 feet deep.In the center of the pool the water temperature is 188 degree farahnite.The yellow,orange and red pigments are produced by the bacteria.NASA scientists study Yellowstone’s hot springs because they may be similar to the environments where life first evolved on Earth.

                          Blood Pond Hot Spring

The Blood Pond Hot Spring is situated in Japan.There is so much iron in these waters that it turns the spring red.

                             Blue Lagoon


The Blue Lagoon geothermal spa is one of the largest attraction in Iceland.The steamy waters are part of a lava formation and a large swimming pool is heated with the run-off water from a nearby geothermal power plant. The Blue Lagoon geothermal seawater is a part of an ecocycle where nature and science work in harmony.The seawater originates 2000 meter and 6562 ft beneath the ground where it is heated by earth’s natural forces.


This hotspring in Reykholtsdalur, Iceland, is characterized by a very high flow rate for a hot spring (180 liters/second) and water emerges at 97 °C, the highest flow hot spring in Europe. Some of the water is used for heating, being piped 34 kilometers to Borgarnes and 64 kilometers to Akranes.
           Mammoth Hot Springs

the Mammoth Hot Springs is the largest known carbonate-depositing spring in the world in Yellowstone. The most famous feature at the springs is the Minerva Terrace — a series of travertine terraces which have been created over thousands of years as hot water from the spring cooled and deposited calcium carbonate. The Mammoth Terraces are constantly changing shape and color.


Most Uniques Lakes

The boiling lake is situated in Morne Trois Pitons National Park.The lake is filled with bubbling greyish-blue water that is usually covered in a cloud of vapor.The lake is approximately 200ft (63m) across.

                                          Five-Flower Lake

Five Flower Lake or Mirror lake is located in China.The lake is a shallow multicolored lake whose bottom is filled with fallen tree trunk.The reason why the lake is called Five Flower Lake because the water in the lake contains calcium carbonate as well as hydrophytes with different colors presents a versicolor sight, azure blue, blackish green and light yellow, etc.The water is so clear that you can see the tree trunks clearly.

                                            Plitvice Lakes

  Plitvice Lakes is a national park in Croatia.It is among the most beautiful sights in Europe. The park was inscribed on the UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1979, in recognition of its "outstanding natural beauty and undisturbed production of travertine through chemical and biological action".

                                                                        Dead sea

The dead sea is a salt lake situated  between Israel and the West bank.The Dead sea is the lowest place on the earth(1,300 feet below the sea level.).It is the world's  second saltiest body of water.It is 8.6 times saltier than the other oceans.It is also one of the world's first health resort.People with skin disorders have found relief from treatments using the sea's natural resources. 

                                     Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal is situated in south-east Siberia.Lake Baikal is the oldest and deepest(1,700m) lake in the world.The lake is more than 25 million years old.It contains 20% of the world's total unfrozen freshwater reserve.Baikal is home to more than 1,700 species of plants and animals



Friday, March 11, 2011


Bullying is a common experience for many students.Bullying can be physical or verbal.Bullying is a problem that affects milliions of students.More than thousands of students wake up afraid to go to school.bullies pick up only the people who are not stonger as they are.people who are bullied  are often  depressed .Bulyling can also lead to the person in the state of fear.bullying can be serious. Bullying someone also takes away that person's life.Bullying often  lead to suicide.Bullying often occurs in school.Cyber bullying is also a part of bullying. Cyber bullying is also a major problem. Cyber bullying is defimed as when interent of text messages are used to send or post text or images intentionally to hurt someone's feeling or to embarrass someone.In the summer of 2008,researches Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin published a book on cyber bullying that summerized the current state of cyber bullying.Their research shows that cyber bullying have been increasing over the last several years.I totally agree with President Obama's speech.We should never make fun of others.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Peter King's obsession

I think that we should not judge anyone by their religion.If you are a muslim that doesn't mean that you are a terrorist.Not all of the Muslims are terrorists.They should be identified by their behavior not by religion.His idea's about terrorists and extremist's were very biased and prejudiced.Though racism is alot better these days it still exist's and it is not fair to judge someone by their religion.

"why monogamy matters"

I think premarital sex is not justified even you love someone,one should indulge in sexual intercourse when one is bonded in a matrimony ceremony.many young teenagers indulgde in sex without considering the consequences and end up with responsibilities they had never thought is better to control carnal desires so one doesnt have to regret their decisions.and often one fantasizes itself in love when one is also more socially correct to have sex when one gets married.i think its better to wait for somebody who loves you completely and irrevocably.In some religions it is considered to be a great sin if had sexually relationship with someone youi are not married to.So save yourself for the one youve always waited for:))

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dozens hurt in bus crash

 More than dozens of people were sent to hospital in Colorado after a crash between a tow truck and a bus on Friday.A tow truck ran a red light and crashed into the bus as it crossed from a parking lot while heading to Snowmass Ski Ressort on Highway 82 at Brush Creek Road.There were 30 to 40 people in the bus and three people in the tow truck.The Colorado State Patrol is investing and will determine if any charges are warranted.

Cops find massive marijuana in Staten Island home

A jungle of marijuana plants was found in a Staten Island home by cops.Brother's Keith Harrigan and
Craig Harrigan and his son Mark were charged with criminal possession of marijuana."It was a massive enterprise that you could never tell from the outside," said one source. "It looked like a jungle in there."
Besides possession of 316 full grown pot plants on the second floor and 60 seedlings in the basement, authorities charged the trio to stole $147,000 in power from Con Ed over five years to keep the halogen grow lights glowing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

NATO apologises for killing nine Afghan boys

Nine boys were killed by NATO helicopter when they were collecting fire woods to heat their homes in the eastern Afghanistan The boys aged 12 and under were attacked on Tuesday.Several villagers protested against alliance strikes.Top NATO commander Gen David Petraeu apologizes by saying ''"We are deeply sorry for this tragedy and apologizes to the members of the Afghan government, the people of Afghanistan and most importantly, the surviving family members of those killed by our actions''.An Afghan presidential team accused NATO of ''killing 65 civilians including 40 children''.The NATO's accepts full responsibility and will continue to investigate this incident thoroughly and they will try to prevent this from happening in the future.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


1) Serial killings (compare and contrast)
 Monday, December 20, 2010

This post tells us about both articles written in Ny times and Ny daily news. This ARTICLE IS ABOUT serial killing. Why I chose this article as one of my best was that we can easily compare the both articles and see which one is more detailed.

2) FASHION OF 1961

Monday, January 3, 2011

This is about fashion if 1961, this ARTICLE will tell u about how people dressed up in 1961’s.As I was amazed and delighted by the fashion of 1961; I decided to choose this as my best post.

3) House Chores
Monday, December 13, 2010

This blog is about people who don’t like to do house chores. I am one of them. I also hate to do house chores. Hence I am with all those people who hate scrubbing, moping, laundry and washing dishes.

4) Geological Wonders
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This blog is about different geological wonders in the world, a look at some of the geological wonders that this wonderful earth holds. Why I chose this blog as one of best was that because every country has its special specialty that amazes everyone.

5) Underwater Sculptures
Thursday, January 13, 2011

This blog is about a famous underwater museum (the Cancun Marine Park ) in  Mexico. The sculptures are based on members of the local community. The Cancun Marine Park is one of the most visited museum in the world with over 725, 000 visitors each year. This whole phenomena can mesmerize anyone.

My biggest strength is that I can talk about any topic on hand. As one can see that there are a lot of variations in my blogs. My biggest weakness is that I don’t go into detail or explain the topic fully. My blogs represent me as the way I think and feel and act. As a writer I feel one should be able to write about anything.

Friday, January 21, 2011


 Pamukkale (Turkey)

In Turkish the name literally means Cotton Castle and it is easy to see why it was given that name. Yet this geological wonder is also the site of the ancient city of Hierapolis and over the centuries the two have seemed to come together, almost merged into one. In fact some of the old tombs in the city's necropolis have become part of landscape. The site itself is a series of travertines and hot springs. The travertines here have a concentric appearance and are almost sheer white giving the area an ethereal appearance. The hot springs precipitate calcium carbonate at their mouths and produce the strange almost organic looking structures.

Ice Towers of Mount Erebus (Antarctica)

Mt. Erebus is one of the largest active volcanoes on Earth. It reaches nearly 4 km above sea level, and is renowned in volcanological circles for its persistently active lava lake, which is sited in the summit crater. Erebus summit have created an intricate system of ice caves all over the mountain.
 Fly Geyser (Nevada, US)

These look as if they were taken on another planet, or at least on the set of a new and very expensive science fiction movie. Yet these pictures are of the Fly Geyser which is very much of planet earth . It is a little seen phenomenon as the land upon which it sits is private. It can be seen from State Road 34 but unless you have permission the view from a distance is all you should attempt
Enchanted Well - Chapada Diamantina National Park (Brazil)

 Poço Encantado, or Enchanted Well, is located in the Chapada Diamantina National Park in Bahia state, approximately 400 kilometres inland from Salvador, the capital city of Bahia. This giant sunken pool is 120 feet deep and the water is so transparent the rocks and ancient tree trunks are visible on the bottom. When the sun is just right, light comes through a crevice and creates a blue reflection on the water.

Wulingyan, Hunan (China)

The Hunan region is full of dramatic landscapes and the magnificent Wulingyan is one of their biggest attractions. This geological wonder is made up of over 3000 limestone karsts. There are scenic waterfalls and some of Asia's biggest limestone caves.

The Valley of the Moon (Argentina)

 Ischigualasto, meaning “the place where you put the moon” is a remote valley in Argentina. It is studded with geological formations left by wind erosion, amazing standing stones and boulders that are so rounded they look like enormous marbles.